students smile in a collage

Seven Lewis-Palmer School District 38 students earned nominations by U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn on Feb. 15 to the various United States Service Academies for the class of 2027, including four hoping to attend the Merchant Marine Academy, two hoping to attend the Air Force Academy and one hoping to attend the Military Academy.

The following vignettes profile each of the Lewis-Palmer and Palmer Ridge High School Students honored this year:

Cole Murray

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Merchant Marine

“My dad is a big role model for me. He has taught me how to be a humble, generous, and determined person, as well as a great leader. Pursuing a nomination was very important to me as it’s my dream to attend a service academy. Service academies possess an education that not only enriches the mind but the spirit and body too. I hope to pursue a degree in physics and either become a physicist or an engineer.”

Jonah Ward

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Merchant Marine

A role model for me has been both of my parents. They have taught me to work hard for everything and live honorably and honestly. It has given me the motivation to pursue a service academy and the goals I have for myself. I have wanted to pursue a nomination to a service academy to be set apart from 99.9% of college kids and to go do great things, not just for myself but for others. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself and to serve my country. The career I intend to pursue if appointed to a service academy is to be a pilot. I want to study aeronautical engineering as well.

Benjamin Homan

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Air Force

“One of the role models in my life is my Uncle. His faith is always evident in everything he does. This is something I respect and admire. I aspire to be like him and always have my faith on display no matter where I am in life. I have always felt called to serve and desired to fly. The academies combine the two of those in a way that is unparalleled to anywhere else. It is my desire to study aeronautical engineering and ultimately become a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force.”

Talan Terlizzi

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Air Force

My parents both served in the United States Air Force along with my oldest brother. My other brother is currently at the Air Force Academy. My family has taught me the importance of serving my country and putting others before myself! USAFA provides incredible leadership opportunities as well as a top-notch education. I am excited to participate in the clubs and summer programs USAFA has to offer! I would like to pursue a degree in mechanical or electrical engineering and I hope to attend pilot training after graduation.

Juliet DuMond

School: Lewis-Palmer High School

Service Academy: Military (West Point)

My sister has always been my biggest role model, taking setbacks in stride and pursuing exactly what she wants until she is satisfied. She pushes me to want more from myself but reminds me constantly of what I have already accomplished. Watching her, I’ve learned the only person that I have to compete against is myself. The only person I have to impress is me. I grew up an Army Brat and always knew I wanted to be a leader of character and serve my country like my father and his father before him. My sister attends the Air Force Academy and I hope to continue the family business. I hope to pursue a degree in chemistry/chemical engineering.

Coleson Caparella

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Merchant Marine

My father, an Air Force veteran, has been my biggest role model through this process. He has shown me that working hard pays off and to follow a career path that brings both fulfillment and enjoyment. I decided to enter this career path due to my oldest brother and father both attending a U.S. service academy and having long successful careers in the military. I hope to pursue a degree in aero engineering to help benefit my career goal of being a pilot.

Max Doyle

School: Palmer Ridge High School

Service Academy: Merchant Marine

My JROTC Instructor inspired me to pursue a military career. He taught me leadership, proper communication, and perseverance. I learned how to lead with empathy and to overcome challenges and never give up even in the most difficult situations. After growing up overseas as a child of a U.S. Diplomat, I deeply appreciate the liberty and freedom of the United States. I decided to pursue a nomination for a U.S. service academy because I want to give back by representing and serving my country in the U.S. military. I plan to pursue a degree in Marine Transportation and a career as a Naval Officer.