Group of student performers on stage performing the musical Newsies

Two students from the Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Home School Enrichment Academy recently showcased their talents with Rise Christian Performing Arts, a group in Colorado Springs that offers Christian theater, choirs for children and teens, and competitive dance. The students participated in an energetic production of Newsies: The Broadway Musical, which ran from Oct. 24-26 and drew students, families and community members together to experience the inspiring story of the 1899 Newsboys' Strike. Carter Jones, an eighth grader, played the role of “Tommy Boy,” one of the main Newsies, while Jason Jump, a freshman, portrayed “Morris Delancey,” one of the story’s antagonists.

Through Newsies, Carter and Jason experienced firsthand the rewards of hard work, friendship and creative expression. For Carter, the journey underscored the value of teamwork and the power of small voices to make a big impact. For Jason, it offered a chance to explore a different character and bond with his castmates in memorable ways.

Two students performers holding up newspaper prop for the musical Newsies

“My favorite part of being in Newsies was spending time with my friends and the directing team and getting to perform in the show,” Carter shared. He enjoyed the chance to bring his character, Tommy Boy, to life with a sense of creative freedom. “I got to create a backstory for my character and play that out. In lead roles, you have a set personality, but I could make Tommy Boy my own.” He also found inspiration in the real-life 1899 Newsboys’ Strike, which he said showed him how even the smallest people can make a big difference.

Jason, who played Morris Delancey, found his role exciting because it allowed him to explore a character with