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It’s the goal of Lewis-Palmer School District 38 to honor and uplift our staff. In this Kudos series, D38 allows our staff and stakeholders to uplift the dedicated individuals who go the extra mile in supporting our mission of elevating every student, every day. Our hardworking staff are encouraged to submit one another for nomination by clicking here.

The individuals nominated this month are:

Eric Wall, PRHS & LPHS

  • LPHS is eternally grateful that Eric has stepped in to lead our building custodians. As we currently are searching for a building manager and 3 evening custodians, Eric continues to go above and beyond at both LPHS and Palmer Ridge HS. He shovels snow, vacuums, cleans and leads with unparalleled kindness, professionalism and a solid work ethic.

Nicole Dell, LPES

  • Nicole has taken the lead on a robust professional development class being offered to D38 staff. This class is designed to help staff identify students that may have a trauma background, and develop appropriate interventions to meet these student's individual needs in light of having trauma in their lives. This Trauma Informed Education class will make a huge difference for students in the district.

Courtney Bushnell, PRHS

  • I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for Courtney's work with my student in Marketing and DECA this year. Marketing certainly seems to have captured her imagination, and that’s clearly due in large part to her leadership and example.

  • It’s been fun to watch her so interested and engaged in something I know little about and have limited experience with. Part of the joy of parenting is watching your kids discover their own interests and passions, and this has been a good example. Thanks for all that you do for my student and all your students – they’re lucky to have you.

Stephanie Gonzalez

  • Stephanie is both an engaged parent and dedicated professional that some across Lewis-Palmer School District 38 may not know! She can be found at many impactful D38 events helping to take photos and sharing all of the great things going on in the district. Her amazing work helps put a spotlight on D38 staff and students, and she deserves many kudos for her efforts.