Following the final Palmer Ridge High School band concert of the year on April 11, during which Band Director Butch Eversole was recognized for his contributions to music in Lewis...
In an evening filled with applause, laughter and tears of appreciation, community members, families, staff and more came together to celebrate the 6th-Annual Aliorum De awards.
Intense work on the budget for the 23-24 school year led to the announcement on April 21 that all staff would receive pay increases in the upcoming year.
According to Su...
The Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Board of Education is at full strength once again following the swearing-in of Kris Norris to be the Director of District 1.
As a Boa...
D38 is dedicated to honoring those who improve the lives of others. That is exemplified through the Aliorum De Awards, where individuals who touch the lives of students with disab...
Have you ever wondered how Lewis-Palmer School District 38 got its name? Colorado Public Radio dug into some of the more interesting school district names across the state of Colo...
At the recent Feb. 21 Board of Education meeting, students were honored for their achievements and several important pieces of business were conducted. You can watch the meeting b...
Student-athletes and coaches received recognition for their efforts and accolades at a recent Board of Education meeting as Dr. KC Somers, D38 Superintendent, shared some recent h...
Supported by more than 30 volunteers, the D38 Chess Team hosted its 16th annual free chess tournament on Feb. 11, drawing the largest-ever participation in the program’s history. ...
It’s the goal of Lewis-Palmer School District 38 to honor and uplift our staff. In this Kudos series, D38 allows our staff and stakeholders to uplift the dedicated individuals who...
Minor changes are on the horizon for the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar following a series of input-gathering opportunities, with the goal of seeking approval for the modified cal...
After six years of service on the Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Board of Education, District 1 Director Chris Taylor announced his resignation effective at the end of the board’...
The Colorado Springs Gazette took time to sit down with the Lewis-Palmer School District 38 Transportation team to understand how thousands of students make it to and from school ...
D38’s Safety and Security team hosted its second Powerful Parent Safety Academy in February, with District Attorney Michael Allen joining the team as an expert to discuss drugs, a...
It’s the goal of Lewis-Palmer School District 38 to honor and uplift our staff. In this Kudos series, D38 allows our staff and stakeholders to uplift the dedicated individuals who...
As conversations around a potential four-day school week unfolded, it became clear that a variety of options and suggestions could be implemented to improve the quality of life fo...
From all of the D38 family to yours, we want to wish you happy holidays. If you haven’t already watched it, please feel free to tap here to watch a video message and update from ...
It’s the goal of Lewis-Palmer School District 38 to honor and uplift our staff. In this Kudos series, D38 allows our staff and stakeholders to uplift the dedicated individuals who...
When Dillon Mezey, 10, isn’t actively engaged in Home School Enrichment Academy (HSEA) or other learning activities, he’s likely in the water, where he feels almost as at home as ...
More than a dozen students will represent Lewis-Palmer School District 38 in all-state ensembles across a variety of specializations, after trying out and being selected for the p...