Lewis-Palmer Middle School Promotes: a Community of Learners Achieving Success
Lewis-Palmer Middle School (LPMS) is proud to be a part of Lewis-Palmer School District 38. LPMS is also proud of its traditions, achievements, students, staff, and its role as a part of the LPMS community.
LPMS is driven to provide a quality learning experience for everyone as an integral part of a Professional Learning Community. LPMS is a true middle school, which means we strive to meet the needs of adolescents by challenging them academically, operating in teams in order to connect with students, working to help every student achieve success, by providing a variety of teaching and learning strategies, and emphasizing communication with parents.
Lewis-Palmer Middle School (LPMS) is located approximately seventeen miles north of Colorado Springs in the unincorporated El Paso county subdivision of Woodmoor. LPMS was constructed in 1994 and currently has a student body of approximately 800 students. The students are served by academic teams of teachers in the four curricular areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. These teams meet daily to discuss curricular planning, differentiation, and student needs. Additionally, administrators and counselors meet with the teams weekly. Parents are encouraged to communicate with their student’s teachers through e-mail or by phone. Lewis-Palmer Middle School also offers exploratory classes in Art, Band, Choir, Computers, Drama, Industrial Arts, Physical Education, and Spanish. A full spectrum of inter-scholastic sports is offered, including football, cross-country, girls’ softball, girls' volleyball, boys' and girls' basketball, wrestling and track. An intramural program serves students with a variety of activities that range from flag football to computer games. Students can also participate in a variety of opportunities that develop leadership skills, including student council and student accountability. Technology is an important part of the LPMS experience. There are over 130 computers available for student use. This helps us provide opportunities for students to have experiences they might not be able to have any other way. Our technology also allows us to better communicate with parents.
Lewis-Palmer Middle School prides itself in its academic achievement and caring, professional, educated staff. We are proud to be rated an “excellent” school in the latest ratings of schools issued by the state of Colorado based on Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) test results. Lewis-Palmer Middle School and School District 38 maintain high expectations as shown by our current CSAP scores, and our upward trend toward improved scores. LPMS can show gains for students in nearly every category for nearly every group of students. We are also proud of our staff that averages 10 years of teaching experience, with approximately 60% of the teachers having obtained Masters Degrees. We are a progressive school that challenges students and staff to strive to do their best each day.
Parents frequently volunteer at LPMS by chaperoning dances, assisting with school socials, yearbook, helping in the library and office, and supervising field trips. The building accountability committee comprised of the principal, a teacher, and parents, meets monthly to analyze relevant data and set building goals for increasing student achievement. An active PTO also meets monthly to plan activities that support school programs and always can use parent volunteers.
LPMS is the Home of Patriot Pride, and we invite you to become a part of our community. Please call or e-mail us for further information. We welcome your comments and suggestions.