Football 2024

Wish List of Equipment

LPMS Football Wish List

Our helmets are inspected and recertified every 2 years and then replaced every 8 years.  Because of this, most of our football budget is spent maintaining the helmets for player safety.  We use the money we raise from the summer camp fees to increase, and improve our practice equipment inventory.   The first, and most important, item on the wish list is new shoulder pads. These shoulder pads will replace old BattleGear pads.

It is going to take a long time to get all of the equipment I would like to have to run the type of program I envision us having in the future.  The goal is to have the best middle school football program in the region.  In case you are interested in helping us reach our goal, I decided to make this wish list of equipment that I believe would help our training program get to where I would like it to be. 

I listed them in order of our desire to get them. 


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Tom Barrett

Tom Barrett - Head Coach

 I have been the Head Coach here at LPMS since 2012 and was an assistant coach for about 6 years before that.  We run fast paced and physical practices that focus on a few specific skills so that our players get good at those skills instead of mediocre at many skills.  In my opinion, this helps them play fast and confidant.  Consistent effort, teamwork, and sportsmanship are qualities that we work to develop in our players so that they can work on mental skills as well as the physical skills.