CTE Exploratory (Career Technical Education)

With Career Education in mind, Middle School CTE programs are exploratory in nature, focused on connection to career possibilities and assist students to obtain connection to self, while experiencing an all encompassing ‘wheel’ of career cluster exposure.

Non-Discrimination Notice

Career and Technical Student Organization

A career and technical student organization (CTSO) is an extracurricular group for students in CTE pathways to further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions.  Students within the Combined Exploratory program have opportunities to participate in some of the activities of the corresponding CTSO programs at the high school level as outlined below:

Program Advisory Committee

A CTE Program Advisory Committee is a group of individuals whose experience and abilities represent a cross section of a particular occupational area. The primary purpose of the CTE Program Advisory Committee is to assist educators in establishing, operating, and evaluating the CTE program – which serves the needs of the students, the community, and the business/industry partners – and to provide expertise and insight about current/future industry and technological changes.

Each CTE Program reflects on their strengths and sets goals to address challenges.  A Program of Work is then created that guides the actions and discussions of the Advisory Committee.  The LPMS Combined Exploratory Programs of Work can be accessed via the following link:

Program Approval

Each CTE program must undergo a regular approval process in which local employment demand, occupational information and work-based learning opportunities are combined with pathway determination, course sequencing, programs of study and assurances.  To view the program approval for the LPMS Combined Exploratory program, please visit the link below.

LPMS Combined Exploratory Program Approval

Program Performance

Performance metrics are gathered on each CTE program in the areas of graduation rates, academic achievements, post-program placement, non-traditional concentration and participation in work-based learning opportunities.  To view the performance metrics for the STEM program, please visit the link below.


Programs of Study

A CTE program of study is a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success. It consists of a coherent sequence of academic and career and technical courses offering students the opportunity to earn an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the secondary or postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree related to the focus of the program of study.  To view the program of study for the LPMS Engineering program, please visit the links below.

Lewis-Palmer Middle School Engineering Program of Study